Meet the Team
Jen Delamere
Director of GINA
Associate Research Professor
(Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Group at the Geophysical Institute)
- 907-474-7140
Christi Buffington
Science & Education Specialist; Program Manager
- 907-474-2794
Christina Buffington is a Science and Education Specialist and Program Manager at GINA. With 20+ years of experience as an environmental scientist at an environmental engineering firm where she used GIS, teacher of undergraduate, high school, and middle school students, and the GLOBE training point of contact in Alaska, Christi facilitates applied environmental learning and research experiences with students and adults while honoring and centering Indigenous knowledge. In 2024, Christi received an Outstanding Teaching Award from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. She holds a M.S. in Environmental Science from Washington State University-Pullman, M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and B.S. in Soils and Environmental Science from Montana State University-Bozeman, and a Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health from University of Montana. Christi enjoys playing in liquid or frozen water: packrafting, kayaking, snowshoeing, skiing, and designing gravity-feed irrigation from rainwater catchments.
Research Programmer
Jay Cable
System Analyst
Jay Cable is a Research and Web Programmer for GINA. He helps operate GINA’s satellite ground stations and performs programming on special projects. He has worked with a wide array of programming languages including Java, C, Ruby, JavaScript, and Perl. Jay has a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and someday hopes to complete his M.S.
Carl Dierking
Satellite Liaison
Carl is a meteorologist working for GINA as a satellite liaison, developer, and trainer. He previously worked for the National Weather Service for nearly 40 years as a forecaster and Science Operations Officer. This experience provides insight into the satellite needs of operational weather forecasters in Alaska, with a focus on the development of tools and training that assists in the transition from research to operations.
Hannah Chapman-Dutton
Geospatial Data Analyst
Owen larson
Geospatial Data Analyst
Systems Administrator
Michelle Morris
Geospatial Data Analyst:
UAF Undergrad
Michelle is an undergraduate student at UAF studying Natural Resources and the Environment with a focus in GIS. Hailing from the San Francisco Bay Area, she developed a love of both environmental preservation and conservation after seeing the effects of urban sprawl in real time. Michelle works with other analysts to assist in tool development and imagery analysis, while also running the GINA social media pages in the interim. Outside of work, Michelle loves learning, doing anything with yarn, playing very recreational Yu-Gi-Oh!, and being outdoors in situations that would frighten her mother.
Grace Veenstra
Communications & Outreach:
UAF Undergrad
Grace is an undergraduate student at UAF majoring in Biological Sciences and Science Communications, and is focusing on climate change and arctic issues in her studies. Grace currently operates GINA’s social media pages, organizes presentations, manages the website, and compiles Quick Guides on GINA’s products. She has published several articles describing the role of satellites and GINA in Alaska and how they contribute to everything from tracking wildfires to following spring breakup. At GINA, she is learning more about using GIS programming and creating informative publications while utilizing her skills in writing and graphic design.
Benjamin Stream
UAF Undergrad
Benjamin is an undergraduate student at UAF pursuing his Bachelors in Computer Science. While he enjoys computer graphics and application development he has come to appreciate the web-development and data science GINA challenges him with. At GINA, he has developed a firepoint statistics dashboard and is maintaining GINA’s feeder product delivery site. Ben enjoys the outdoors of Alaska including fishing, hiking, camping, and spending his time with friends and family.
Milton Wiltse
Affiliate Professor
UAF Collaborators
Systems Administrator
Liam Forbes is the manager of the Research Computing Systems group at the Geophysical Institute. He supervises a team of systems analysts, network engineers, computer technicians, and web developers to provide research cyberinfrastructure and information technology support for the UAF Geophysical Institute and other UA research communities, including GINA.