Wildfire Resources
General Information
Satellite Fire Detection and Smoke Capabilities for Alaska Users
The purpose of this document is to assist in the operational use of new satellite capabilities for IMETs and Predictive Service Meteorologists in Alaska. Sources for both AWIPS and non-AWIPS users are provided. Because of Alaska’s northern latitude, polar satellites pass frequently over the region, and with Direct Broadcast reception, data is typically available within 30 minutes of the end of the satellite overpass. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. (Contact: jorel.torres@noaa.gov)
Polar Satellite Imagery for Fire Monitoring and Analysis
A presentation overview on the VIIRS fire imagery products available for fire monitoring and analysis. Products include DayFire, DayLandCloud, Fire Temperature, and more. Presentation was created by Carl Dierking, Jen Delamere, Jay Cable and Owen Larson, 2023.
VIIRS Active Fire Detection Algorithm Training Video
Video training module for the VIIRS Active Fire Detection Algorithm (also known as the “VIIRS Active Fire Algorithm”) developed by Carl Dierking, Jen Delamere and Jay Cable, 2022.