Established in 2001 as an initiative of UA’s President, the Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA) focuses on remote sensing and geographic information systems activities for Alaska and its surrounding oceans. GINA collaborates with federal, state, and academic partners to serve this data through public portals. An inventory of satellite images over the state of Alaska is available online and these images can be freely downloaded.

Contact Us

GINA is located on the main floor of the Elvey Building (Geophysical Institute) on the West Ridge of the UAF campus. Click here for a map of the campus. Stop by Elvey 201 for a visit from 9:00 to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Mailing Address
GINA Phone 907-474-7140
University of Alaska Fairbanks Email
PO Box 757320 2156 N. Koyukuk Dr. Fairbanks, AK 99775